Thursday 12 November 2020

PS5 Comes With a (Literally) Game-Changing Feature for People Who Invert Y-Axis

For most of my life, every time I've started a new game, the first thing I've had to do is make sure the Y-axis is inverted. I don't know why my brain likes to push down to look up, it just does, and it causes a consistent burst of faff before I can get to any shiny new game I've bought. PS5 may, finally, have gone some way towards fixing that issue. The solution comes in the form of PlayStation 5's Game Presets menu, a settings option that allows you to choose your preferred experience in PS5 games from a number of categories, which is then applied as best as possible to every game you play. That menu includes game difficulties, subtitles, performance vs. resolution modes, and preferred audio languages – all options regularly fiddled with before play can really begin. But the option I truly love is being able to choose to invert the Y-axis in both first person and third person viewpoints automatically. So far I've used it to fix Astro's Playroom, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and Demon's Souls, and I've been delighted every time I confirm it's worked again. To be fair, I actually only discovered the menu when I realised Astro's Playroom doesn't actually include a Y-axis preference option, which briefly made me absolutely furious until I was told about the beautiful Elysian Fields of Game Presets. In hindsight, it feels like another one of Astro's attempts to teach me a little something about my new console (although I'm not convinced it's an intentional one in this case). [ignvideo url=""] As covered in our PS5 guide, the menu is found in Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Game Presets, and will attempt to apply all of your choices as accurately as possible, depending on the game in question. If you find your choices aren't working out for you, Game Presets will only attempt to change the settings when you first start the game, so you can tinker with them and not have them switch back by accident. It may sound like a small thing – mainly because it is a small thing – but after years of low-level annoyance at starting every game with a boring trudge to the options menu, it's genuinely refreshing to see a little bit of thinking applied to how to stop that. I'm sure the same will go for many fellow inverters, not to mention subtitlers, language changers, hard moders, and other similarly inconvenienced players. Forget haptic feedback, this is my next-gen. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. Follow him on Twitter. Have a tip for us? Want to discuss a possible story? Please send an email to

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