Monday 9 November 2020

Netflix Is Taking a Bold New Step Into... a Linear Scheduled TV Channel

Netflix is testing out a new linear content channel, dubbed Netflix Direct, which will offer subscribers real-time, scheduled programming for the very first time. According to IndieWire, Netflix is trialling a new service that will pull content from the streaming giant's existing library and present it in a linear, scheduled format for subscribers who like the idea of accessing a pre-programmed feed that "doesn't require them to choose what they are going to watch," similar to standard broadcast and cable TV channels. The report notes that Netflix Direct had a soft launch in France on November 5, with a broader rollout of the service expected across the country next month. Netflix said it chose France to test out the company's first linear channel because of the country's "consumption of traditional TV." [ignvideo url=""] "Whether you are lacking inspiration or whether you are discovering Netflix for the first time, you could let yourself be guided for the first time without having to choose a particular title and let yourself be surprised by the diversity of Netflix's library," Netflix said in a statement announcing the new service, which is only available on the web version of the streaming platform for select subscribers in France. This isn't the first time that Netflix has experimented with its entertainment offerings. In September, the company unveiled a promotion that offered a selection of Netflix original movies and TV show episodes to non-subscribers for free. The "Watch Free" page invited users to sample some of the platform's content without the need for a subscription, in a bid to attract new members. Once users are subscribed, Netflix doesn't seem to face too many issues in trying to maintain viewers' interest, as a recent report revealed that the company's investment in anime had been going particularly well for them in terms of viewership. In fact, Netflix announced plans to produce even more anime content after noting an exceptional uptake in anime streaming on the platform over the past year. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=feel-good-movies-and-tv-shows-to-stream&captions=true"] With dozens of new shows each season and a robust back catalogue that is yet to be fully explored, anime has quickly become one of the streaming market's most popular content categories. For more, read all about why we think anime is the next streaming frontier and what it could mean for the future of streaming services. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Adele Ankers is a Freelance Entertainment Journalist. You can reach her on Twitter.

from IGN News

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