Thursday 27 April 2017

Your Tekken 7 Questions Have Been Answered

A week and a half ago I put out a call for Tekken questions for Katsuhiro Harada – the iconic face of the Tekken team (alongside Michael Murray), and an integral part of the series since its inception. The community responded and I collated a bunch of the best questions, then posed as many as I could when I caught up with Harada-san during his Australian visit.

Please bear in mind I’ve paraphrased many of these questions for the sake of brevity, and each question is attributed to one person, even though several people may have asked similar things. You should also check out some of the embedded clips, because we have gameplay of brand new stages, and of Eddy and Kuma in action! Enjoy!

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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