Friday 28 April 2017

Opinion: Secret Empire Is Good for Captain America

Secret Empire is turning out to be one of Marvel’s most controversial storylines in years. That’s to be expected when the core premise of a comic involves tarnishing the once sterling reputation of a 77-year-old icon. There are many fans who argue Secret Empire is a mistake - that Marvel is doing lasting damage to Steve Rogers for the sake of a short-term sales boost and a few newsworthy headlines. But that’s selling Secret Empire short. Controversial or not, this is a story that Captain America needs.

You can’t blame readers for being upset with this new turn of events. Steve Rogers is rather unique among Marvel’s heroes in the sense that he is (or was) such an unimpeachable figure. He’s one of the few heroes whose commitment never wavers. He’s not really prone to self-doubt or moments of personal weakness. He’s just a guy from Brooklyn utterly devoted to doing the right thing and protecting the innocent from bullies. Suggesting that Steve Rogers is actually a double-agent for one of the most nefarious organizations in the Marvel Universe seems like an extraordinary betrayal of one of the most fundamentally decent characters in pop culture.

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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