Friday 31 March 2017

9 of the Best Cyborgs Ever!

You know you love them -- all those sci-fi human heroes and villains with a little bit extra where it counts. Get your minds out of the gutter, I’m talking about cyborgs! Part human, part machine, and ready for action! Oh, never mind…

Before we begin, it’s best to clarify our criteria for this list. Having co-written entire books about various film genres (Zombiemania, Cinema and Sorcery), I’ve learned that it’s extremely important to let your readers know why you’re selecting the films you’ve chosen to include; even if they wind up disagreeing -- and they will -- then at least you’ve demonstrated your thought process. And in this case, we need to know precisely how we’re defining a cyborg in order to justify these character choices. We’ll go straight to Merriam-Webster, which defines “cyborg” as:

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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