Wednesday 31 May 2017

Wrestling Wrap Up: Why We Need the Women's MITB Match

Say "momentum" again! I dare you! I double dare you, mothereffer!

No, I'm not going to dive back into my dumb ol' momentum rant... but you see what I mean now, right? Nothing but momentum talk heading into both Extreme Rules and Money in the Bank. No one watching wresting in 2017 thinks momentum is a thing that's a thing. Even if Cole insists that "every match tonight, every moment, counts," none of them do and none of it does. It doesn't matter that Roman beat Seth in the main event. Or that Ziggler beat AJ on SmackDown. RAW and Smackdown, on the main event levels, have been empty calories for weeks now. And even though RAW's winding down because its PPV is this weekend, SmackDown still has a few more weeks of this malarky.

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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