Friday 26 May 2017

Let's Talk About the Ending of Netflix's Bloodline

Greetings, fellow bingers. Down below you'll find some of my thoughts about the way Bloodline's final season ended, along with a few notes on some specific things I didn't want to spoil in my full Bloodline: Season 3 review. If you haven't finished the third season, you've been warned...

I wasn't crazy about some of the stuff that went down in the final three episodes, but man did I love Meg's exit, which came right at the end of the second min-arc - the trial storyline. I adored the fact that she got away from the family. I mean, she actually changed her name and became a different person because her family was so rancid.

And the show made us twitch a little bit regarding whether or not Chelsea, in a retaliatory effort, would be successful in framing Meg for Marco's murder, and that John would inadvertently wind up luring Meg back into a trap. But none of that happened. Out of every one, Meg managed to realize (and Danny did too, right?) that you just need to get as far away from that family as possible. Hell, even Mike (Mark Valley) tried to get John to ditch the Keys for Boston. Just about everyone could see the storm for what it was except for those inside of it.

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