Production has officially begun on The Batman and director Matt Reeves was in a very sharing mood on Twitter today. He uploaded a video on Vimeo showcasing Robert Pattinson in the iconic Batman Batsuit. The video clip was set to a very moody piece of music and the lighting that surrounded Pattinson bathed him and the suit in a bold red color. You can see the video below: [ignvideo url=""] Twitter instantly reacted to the first look, by sharing their thoughts on the suit, the color choice, the Batarang logo, Pattinson's remarkable jawline, and what each detail could be telling us about the film. Some Twitter users thought the red lighting made Batman look like
Marvel's Daredevil, while other Twitter users thought the suit style could signify the film pulling from the
Batman: Year One comicbook storyline. Here are some of the best reactions to the suit reveal:
Daredevil, Year One, and Detective Comics #1000
What do you think of the suit? How does it stack up to previous iterations of Batman in your eyes? Let us know in the comments! The Batman will soar into theaters on June 25, 2021. Pattinson will be joined by
Colin Farrell,
John Tuturro,
Andy Serkis,
Zoe Kravitz,
Paul Dano and
Jeffrey Wright. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-batman-cast-every-actor-and-character&captions=true"]
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Lauren Gallaway is a Social Media Coordinator for IGN. Find her tweeting at
@LaurenGallaway and streaming at
Glimpse Entertainment on Twitch.
from IGN News
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