Tuesday 27 February 2018

"Secret" Silver Surfer Movie in the Works

While the $52.4 billion merger/acquisition of 20th Century Fox by Disney lumbers forward like Galactus on his way to devour a planet, Fox's Marvel movie plans continue unabated -- for the moment, at least. And aside from the various X-Men flicks in development, that also includes a "secret" Silver Surfer project that is being written by Saga and  Y: The Last Man writer/creator Brian K. Vaughan.

The Hollywood Reporter has this news in a story today about the unusual position that Fox execs find themselves in while they await the Disney acquisition. And while no other details were revealed regarding the Silver Surfer movie, it does make sense since we already knew that the studio was looking for ways to utilize their other non-X-Men Marvel characters, namely the Fantastic Four and that group's associated characters. Legion showrunner Noah Hawley had previously been reported to be working on a Doctor Doom movie. Both Doom and the Surfer are classic FF players.

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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