Tuesday 27 February 2018

Here's How John Cena Can Still Face Undertaker at WrestleMania

I know, I know. You're all like "Fowler, shut the hell up with your John Cena vs. The Undertaker obsession. You suck! And you smell like poo!"

True, I haven't exactly been coy about wanting to see Cena face Undertaker in the Deadman's (advertised as such) last match in WWE. In fact, the only person I'm sure wants to see this match happen more than me is...well, John Cena.

Last year, Cena vs. Undertaker was one of the rumored WrestleMania bouts but the the decision was made to put Taker against Roman Reigns and Cena was left in the lurch. He wasn't too publicly vocal about it though he did bring it up, during a promo against The Miz (where in insisted he didn't have the pull everyone thinks he has), who'd, at that point, become his WrestleMania opponent. He basically said something like "If I really had the type of power you think I have, I'd be facing Undertaker instead of you."

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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