Friday, 23 September 2016

Opinion: Marvel's Civil War 2 Is Failing

I doubt anyone was surprised when Marvel Comics began teasing a sequel to their Civil War comic book event late last year. This year not only marks the 10-year anniversary of the original Civil War comic, it's also the year that the Marvel Cinematic Universe experienced a Civil War of its own in the third Captain America movie. Marvel would have been foolish not to capitalize on that spotlight, right? Honestly, I'm no longer so sure. There's a clear apathy surrounding Marvel's latest big crossover that goes above and beyond the usual complaints about event fatigue. Civil War II simply doesn't have the same excitement or drive as the original.

One need only look at recent Diamond Comics sales figures to see that Civil War II isn't exactly lighting the comic book world on fire. Granted, the core mini-series is doing pretty well for itself, with the first issue selling 381,737 copies (based on Comichron's estimates) and topping the sales charts in June. But that still falls well below Secret Wars #1's 527,678 copies a year previous. And looking at July 2016's sales figures, it's clear that those numbers are rapidly dropping. Civil War II #4 sold 126,865 copies in July (again, according to Comichron), not even a third of what the first issue pulled in, and significantly less than what even the lowest-selling issue of Secret Wars sold last year.

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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