Thursday, 19 March 2020

Toilet Paper Prices Are on the Rise... in Fallout 76

Much like the real world, the demand for toilet paper is increasing in Fallout 76. With the world dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic in many ways, with some countries opting for drive-thru testing stations and others going into full quarantine, the U.S. has collectively emptied stores around the country of toilet paper. This has crossed over into the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76 as players are spending thousands of bottle caps on single rolls of toilet paper. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=every-ign-fallout-review&captions=true"] Reddit user HistoricPigDog posted on the fo76 subreddit to ask the simple question of "why" to the user who purchased four rolls of his toilet paper for 450 caps each. That's still an unreasonably high price for toilet paper in a game where you don't need to use toilet paper in a bathroom, but someone in the comments of HistoricPigDog's post said they've sold a roll for 20,000 caps. "I have sold my only one for 20,000 caps," Reddit user bigjon176 said. "I put it up as a joke. Joke is on me. I should have listed it for 30k." Perhaps people are buying toilet paper for extraordinary prices in Fallout 76 because at least it's available in the game, unlike in the real world. Perhaps it's just a joke, but regardless, some wastelander has a roll of toilet paper in their possession that they spent 20,000 caps on to own. [ignvideo url=""] Speaking of wastelanders, check out the trailer for the upcoming Fallout 76 Wastelanders update coming April 7. You can also read up on the game's new $100-a-year Fallout 1st subscription service. Be sure to check out our story featuring ways to help others and keep safe during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guide maker for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @LeBlancWes

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