Friday, 23 September 2016

What Ico Did That No Game Has Done Since

In the 15 years since Ico was released on the PlayStation 2, video games have evolved in remarkable ways. The HD-era has ushered in photo-realistic visuals, ubiquitous online play has connected people worldwide from all walks of life and the rise of indies has given a voice and a platform to even the smallest of teams. But in the countless games that have come out in the past decade and a half, somehow none have managed to replicate the simple power of one of Ico’s basic mechanics -- the act of holding on to someone else’s hand.

There’s so much about Ico that’s stuck with me since I first played the game in 2001 -- its gorgeous aesthetic, subtle and silent storytelling, and its melancholy ending. But if I’m being perfectly honest, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Fumito Ueda’s classic is the subtle intimacy between Ico and Yorda that comes across via holding on to the princess’ hand during quiet moments, and the darkest of situations, which is something that I can safely say all of us have experienced at some point throughout our lives.

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from IGN News
via IFTTT @scottdoggaming

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